From the hill of the dark fairies.
Torr an't Sidhein Duibh
The plan was to explore Allt na Faing, a gorge in the black hills recently fenced as part of a woodland regeneration scheme and home to some amazing lichens. These schemes are vital for the re-wilding of much of the highlands. However, especially in the short term, the rapidly growing undergrowth makes them almost inaccessible. Unfortunately though the lighting was all wrong for what I wanted, so it was carry on over the black hills to home. But the further I walked, the better the lighting got and as artist Jon Schueler claimed, the Sound of Sleat does have the most dramatic of skies. So it was out with the wide angle lens. This shot being taken from the top of the hill where the fairies live - not a place to stay after dark, so back to the house in time for tea.